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Created: Saturday, 07 June 2014 21:59
Written by Nick Barrable
Issue 3 (aka JUN14) is out. Let us know if your copy has not arrived. It contains coverage of Harvester Relays, JK O Festival in South Wales, BOC Long in the North East, part 2 of Concentration Article, Informal Event Format - from SWOC, Jukola & TioMila Relays, LAMM, and oodles and stroodles more... If you orienteer, don't miss this essential publication.

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Created: Friday, 25 April 2014 10:15
Written by Nick Barrable

Issue 2 (aka APR14) is out. If you don't have your copy, get in touch. It is another corker - with British Nights Coverage, Israeli Open Champs - Middle, Start of a two part Article on Concentration, Deeside Night Cup, Training Formats - BingO, Mulgrave Woods Acorn Event, MOC 2014, and oodles more... Make sure you are signed up and don't miss it!