OCT 10
- Details
- Created: Sunday, 26 September 2010 19:13
- Written by Nick Barrable

OCT10 is a sensational whopper! For only the second time in CompassSports issue, we have 60 pages of content - equalling the bigest issue ever! It is rammed with maps too! It went to the printers on the Wednesday 3rd November and it should be with you the following week. We are on target to have DEC10 issue out before Xmas too. SO what has Issue 5/OCT10 got instore? lt contains, amongst the usual columns and fun, as well as this years Photo-O competition, Fitness for Orienteers part 4, The Nevell Report - what age do you have to be to win a WOC medal?, coverage of the following events: WOC 2010, Lakes 5 (or rather 4), Peter Palmer Junior Relays, World Masters, London City Race, World Trail-O, JEC Sprint and PWT Perth - a truely awesome issue.