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Created: Thursday, 15 June 2023 09:03
Written by Nick Barrable

Issue 3 of 2023 (aka JUN23) went to the printers (S&G) on 3rd July. It contains coverage of JK23, BOC S&M Weekend + BTOC in Northern Ireland, Veganism and the Orienteer, O in Georgia (the country, not the US state), EVs for Orienteering, and all the usual columns, sections and soft dreamy velvety O delight.
Make sure your Sub is up to date!
Heads up that Sub rates will go up on 1st November 2023 so get ahead before then at the current rate and save!
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Created: Saturday, 15 April 2023 15:30
Written by Nick Barrable

Vol.44/2 (APR23) went to our printers S&G in South Wales on the 2nd May. It contains all the usual columns and features, along with coverage of the British Nights, Long and Relay Championships, Jukola 1976 revisited, Autism and Orienteering, T-shirt etiquette, O-myths, O-Mistakes, GBR Squad news, World Cup 2022 round-up, Countdown to WOC24, BUCS, Interland 2023 and lots more...
Make sure your Sub is up to date :-)